Actually, I needed to get some stuff and so I reckoned that I mind as well wake up earlier to visit the Saturday market at Riponne.
The Saturday Market was really interesting! They had those vans from which butchers sell meat and sausages, fromagers sell cheese, and these rows off vegetable and fruit sellers on one side, then stalls of people selling random stuff like second hand goods, clothes and books.
I didn't buy much stuff. Some ground beef, some carrots and potatoes... Quite little, actually, since I've still got a full pantry back at the hostel.
Anyway, some funny happenings while at the market... See the row of jackets below?
Oh, and recently, I found the wonders of half-baked bread. Coop and Migros (the 2 big supermarts) sells these half baked bread that on just have to pop into an oven for 7 to 10 mins before eating. I bought them because they were on offer, but I realised that it was really nice! Fresh, pipping hot bread whenever you want. Its something that I would definitely buy again.