They are my source of subsistence. Migros for its budget items and Coop for the variety.
But really, once you take a look into my food cupboard and fridge,you will know which hypermart I frequent...
See the big M behind the budget labels? It stands for Migros.
Migros' budget house brands are big and/or cheap and mostly for stuff that could be kept for some time.
Its not the tastiest (like the yougurt, mayo and mustard) but its cheap! and it fills my stomach on an exchange student's budget in an expensive country.
I went grocery shopping today and realised that all the stuff that I had bought were Migros' budget stuff... (except fot the pasta sauce, cos Migros doesn't have a budget for that)
Even my chewing gum is a huge pack that cost only 3 Fr. Not the best tasting ones, but at least I've got something to get rid of my dinner breath.
Now I'm waiting for the Migros budget pack on fresh meat. That might never happen though...
Oh yea, the Easter holidays are coming soon in about 2 weeks. I'll be going to France with some other singaporen friends!! Paris, Nice, Cannes, Marseille and Lyon on a 9 day whirlwind trip.
Expected to spend a bomb on it...
After some calculations on my expected expenditure, I might need to survive on just Migros' budget stuff for the remaining of my months...
ReplyDeleteAnd, mommy's SUPP CARD! :-D
Once in a lifetime. Hehehehe. That is with reference to having her supp card, not being in France.
You should fall in love there!