Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ohmygawd math...

Today, I was having graph theory classes.

It was boring and confusing, as usual.

Suddenly, I heard "... ohmygod G is the number of connected components in G."

Ohmygod? Whats ohmygod G?

I looked up at the board (I was writing something) but I still couldn't find anything to suggest that the teacher was suddenly feeling pious.

Several moments later, it became clear...

"... so, k = ω(G)...."

its omega...

To borrow something from colloquial language, LOL!
I must be staring too hard into my notes...
Note to self: Pay attention to what the teacher is saying from time to time to avoid embarassing yourself by bursting out laughing at him...

Sigh, its stuff like that that makes my day. :-D