Saturday, February 14, 2009

What I did today...

Its a bumper day for blogger... 3 posts consecutively...

As the title suggests, its about what I did today.
Contrary to yesterday, today was pretty eventful. (Yes, I know, compared to yesterday, ANY day could be more eventful)

I met up with fellow exchange students from NUS and together, with one fellow student's boyfriend as a guide, we went on a little tour around the city center's library,the cathedral of Lausanne and Ouchy, the quay on Lake Geneve.

Some pictures of the city center...

These 3 pictures are taken at the outside the library. It basically overlooks the majority of the city center.
See mummy, Ive got a picture of myself and the scenery. Your money isn't wasted now!!

As you can see, the sky was still pretty dark cos it just finished snowing like 2 hours ago, but its pretty sunny now (at 5 in the evening...)

The huge organs in the cathedral, me with the altar at the back.
The altar, without me.
My personal favourite, an exterior shot of the cathedral.
This is one of my favourites too

After the cathedral, we went for lunch at a Kebab place, the cheapest kind of fast food available on a saturday. (not counting Macs, of course)

Then, we went th Ouchy, the quay.
Look ma, no wasting of money again!!
Some weird swinging thingy... Looks nice though

Some people playing chess on the sidewalk...
A carousel for the kids...

random pics 1...
random pics 2...
Look ma, no wasting of money!!

Ya, so ppl, as you can see, my mom believes that you are wasting money on a tour if you don't take pictures of yourselves with the scenery... For me, just the scenery is enough, but well, to each its own. Have to make the sponsors happy :-D

Just for the record, all the pictures were taken by my phone camera, sony ericsson with a 3.2 megapixel camera. Who said camera phone's pictures have to suck??


  1. Enjoy your cool outing, we surely enjoy these different landscapes.

  2. BTW u putting Olyumpus to shame. the rechargeable failed u?

  3. yea... ur camera is not bad at all!

  4. Olympus is a giant battery mosquito. I got tired of keep recharging the batteries so i switched to my phone instead.

  5. 1. it's "yourselves"

    2. I am appalled at how you are using my shawl. Can you please be more stylish!

    3. Wear your contacts!!

  6. 1) english error noted.
    2) FYI, thats scarf, not a shawl. I would wear it as a shawl would be IF it was one.
    3) ok, someday...
