Saturday, February 28, 2009

Recap of the week


Sorry that I have'nt updated in some time. School was starting to get a little busy and so there wasn't much time for me to do anything else except to study, eat then sleep. Due to my lack of interesting stuff to write about, I will instead recap the past week instead.

Tuesday was the fondue party... Met lots of people there, talked to a bunch of them. Lets see if I will get a chance to speak to any of them again...

Wednesday was really boring... I went to see my coordinator about a module that I couldn't take then went for the boring class that I took to cover the module that I couldn't take. (that was a long story, that one...) After classes, I went to the computer lab to try to figure out how to do one of my labs. Lets just say that it went as smoothly as usual (for you people who know how my labs usually go...) I got tired of banging my head against the computer and went home at about 8 pm that day.

Thursday was spent in my room doing homework. Initially, I wanted to go to the city centre to repair my watch (it died on me again. Luckily, my mom had the foresight to get me to bring the guarantee along...) but then I decided against it and be a good nerd for a day and study before heading off to classes.

Friday was pretty different. I got stuck at the lab, got a little too engrossed in trying to solve the stupid lab that I only got out at about 10pm... Ah well, at least I finished one lab, one more to go.

That leaves with today. It was a pathetic excuse for a Saturday. I spent most of the day at school, in the computer lab with my teammate, trying to bash our heads over a stupid prgramme. Yes, I just LURVE programming... We decided to call it quits early after about 6 hours at the computer. Still have a huge chunk left to do...

Hopefully, tomorrow would be better. I have a language study session that should be pretty interesting followed by dinner with several singaporean friends. Its pot luck again, so that means that I would have to bring something. Perhaps I should get a cake or something...



  1. do curry!! muthu curri.

  2. oh wow wow, do they really like fondue or sth?

    does this mean we'll not burn the chocolate again the next time we have our lamer's fondue night? since you'll be so familiar with it. BWAHAHA.

    eh for the potluck, what aobut mac french fries. i love mac french fries you know. burger king's not bad too =D

  3. haha, i don't know about the curry but Mac is expensive here... A normal meal at Mac's is about 12 CHF.

  4. hey, u want some koniyaku jelly!

  5. haha, that would be great, but I don't have the stuff for it

  6. Why do they like potluck so much?

    Aiyo just get some nuggets. Plus tomato ketchup and you're good to go.

    The Konnyaku Jelly comment was not mine btw. I always write in semi-proper sentences. :P
