Saturday, February 14, 2009

Duty calls

I forgot that today was the 14th of feb, my brother's birthday until my friend kindly pointed out my lack of plans for THE VALENTINES...

As is within the duty of a sister, it is in my responsibility to wish a him happy 16th birthday and hope that he would be a more sensible person. (One could only hope...)

And so, let us lift our glasses (or cups of warm water in the frigid weather) to toast my dear little brother (can he still be considered little if he is physically bigger than you?).


ur much too sensible and talented sister...

Jie Hui

p.s. as u can see, valentines day reminds me of my bro's b-day, not any romantic stuff. Shows u just how romantically inclined I am... Not that I mind, :-D !!


  1. Yr bro here :D

    Trust you to forget my birthday! D:

  2. Oh I got him a wallet and wrote that it is also given with your love.

    I wrote it all in mandarin. Good, eh? ;-)
