Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fondue, Fondue!!

School has been pretty relaxing. Its still not so hectic yet, but it promises to be much so later. Not too bad, the change of lifestyle from that of mine in NUS is quite significant.

For one, my travelling time is significantly shorter. 30 mins as compared to a freaking 1h30mins of commuting, sometimes squeezing with the rush hour crowd. It is all very calm and relaxing to go to school. School is not boring, not really. It was just a little difficult to understand, much like in NUS too. Computing ain't exactly easy, ya know... Well, my courses are difficult, but with the same difficulty as that in NUS, so no real difference.

It had been fun so far, mostly everything, including the lessons (though some of them were just SO boring!!). I've met many people, most of them seem pretty interesting, although it might be a little difficult in communicating since some of them are not really fluent in english. I think I speak english too fast sometimes too, so I had to remind myself to speak slower when talking to them.

Anyway, there was a fondue party held for the exchange students today. It was cheese, not chocolate, fondue, but even so, it was pretty interesting since I've never really had cheese fondue before. Everyone just sat at the table and conversation went pretty smoothly. It was pretty
fun. (how many times did I say that... hmm...)

There might have been more to say, but I'll be repeating myself since I can't really think right now. Quite tired from 7 hours of lessons and 2 hours of socialising... Got to sleep...
Here's a little eye candy for you vultures out there.

Cheese Fondue, Traditionally served with bread.
And mummy, I don't wear the same shirt everyday. It just so happened that I was wearing it today. I do wash it, you know. I don't have that many long-sleeved shirts to rotate so by the pigeonhole theory (or something similar), one shirt would have to be worn more than once (or thrice by the number of times you've seen it on me...).


  1. So was it delicious?? You didn't comment on the food!

    And remember to try raclette! And include pictures! Wiki raclette if you don't remember what I told you.

    Done any shopping? :-D

  2. I know what radette is, but i missed the meeting for it. The fondue was great, but it was essentially just loads of cheese on bread, which would get very boring after a while.

    I haven't gone shopping yet. Will tell u when i do

  3. It's ra-c-l-ette. Not radette!

    So exciting ya.

  4. ah sorry to interrupt but....


    how can?!?! shows that i'm really that inactive online actually but never mind.

    wah leh heard from the gang you having adventure there. good to hear you doing well ne! we're so envious over here, really.

    eh, don't forget my tictac(s) also kay? BWHAHHA.

  5. oh and omi-kun is xinyi hor.
    hello~ *waves*
